Local communities

In your community

The Keystone XL Pipeline will contribute to energy security, create tens of thousands of high-quality employment and local contracting opportunities as well as provide a substantial economic benefit to local communities across Canada and the United States. It will stretch all the way from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Nebraska.

Proceed to one of our project regions below to learn more about how the Keystone XL project benefits you and your community. If you have any questions on the project or our operations, please contact us.

Keystone XL - Time to Build - Fire Chief Branden Stevens, Miles City, Montana

Time to build

Keystone XL

Communities throughout Canada and the U.S., including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska, have shown their support for Keystone XL Pipeline. These communities and businesses along the pipeline route are poised to benefit from construction and long-term operation of the pipeline.

Supporting our communities

TC Energy has spent decades building relationships at the community level, with a strong track record of robust environmental management and social engagement. We have dedicated significant resources and efforts toward providing communities with support through educational workshops, training programs, and investments in local and regional nonprofit organizations and charities.

Learn how we invest in communities.


employee volunteer hours logged in 2019

$26 million

contributed to more than 1,550 initiatives in 740 communities in 2019

$3.19 million

in employee and matched company donations in 2019

$2.3 million

worth of scholarships awarded to 950 students in 300+ communities in 2019

Working today to build a better tomorrow!

Keystone XL - Investing in America's future infographic. LOCAL SPEND: $42.5 million direct and $42 million indirect. NATIVE AMERICAN SPEND: $1.6 million direct and $16.6 million indirect.

Keystone XL - Investing in Canada's future infographic. LOCAL SPEND: $207.3 million direct and $41.1 million indirect. INDIGENOUS SPEND: $15.5 million direct and $21.7 million indirect.


Economic benefits for local communities

Employment opportunities
Overall, construction will support nearly 60,000 (U.S., 42,000, and Canada, 17,000) direct, indirect and induced employment opportunities generated by the business that will be created supplying goods and services to the project and the project’s workforce.

Tax revenue
Keystone XL will generate tens of millions of dollars in property taxes across 40 counties in the U.S. and Canada every year of operation.

Once in-service, Keystone XL will also contribute an estimated $62 million in annual property taxes to Canadian and U.S. municipalities along the pipeline right-of-way, these dollars will support community services such as fire protection, policing, schools, hospital districts and waste management.

Business and infrastructure development
Keystone XL will provide the United States with a stable, secure supply of crude oil from North America, reaching U.S. Gulf Coast refiners and meeting critical needs for transportation fuel and useful manufactured products.

TC Energy believes in investing in its communities and takes pride in supporting local initiatives and encouraging employees to get involved in local improvements. Initiatives such as the Build Strong program, Empower, and TC Scholarships support local citizens, help develop communities, and build the next generation of leaders.